Friday, March 5, 2010

Worlds Highest Bungee Jump

A crew of 11 of us woke up bright and early to head off to go bungee jumping off of Africas tallest bridge, Bloukrans. The height of the bridge is 716 feet tall, and it is also the site for the worlds highest bungee jump, so us study abroad kids had to of course go. We drove about 2 hours to get to the bridge and at first sight of the bridge and seeing a woman jumping off and screaming I was thinking about backing down, since the height of this bridge was insane. I signed up and andrew and i were forced to not go with the rest ofo the group so we had to wait an hour in anticipation. After watching our friends jump and scream we were just so anxious to go on the bridge and jump. Once the hour passed we got to the bridge and took the option to zip line over to the bridge and that was actually quite scary as well, since the way they stopped you was quite sketchy. After getting off the zip line the workers pointed to me and I was to get all strapped up and the guy in front of me was about to jump and all of a sudden the guy freaks out starts breathing heavy and they have to let him get out and not jump, after the man did this they pointed at me and said it is your turn. This made me quite nervous since the guy in front of me backed out and was too scared to go, it is something that really made me worried. The workers then tied me up and talked with me and made it all a lot more comfortable and I stood up and they picked me up and told me to put my toes over the edge. Then all of a sudden the two workers then countdown, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 BUNGEE! I jumped and followed by many load yells in excitement. I didnt jump perfectly because I fell feet first for the most part then slowly turned but it was in fact nicer I got to see more. The first free fall was 4 seconds long, then you bungee back up and at the peak my whole body went straight up and I free fell for another 3 seconds, and one more free fall after that but only of about 1 second. SO as I am tied upside down bouncing around for a few minutes a man comes down to fetch me, and in the same time pulling cords off, and making me think what is this guy doing, soon enough we were back at the top and I couldnt stop laughing and I had the biggest adrenaline rush of my entire life. I was able to purchase the video of me jumping, as well as some pictures that were quite good. THe bungee was the coolest feeling in the world, and craziest thing I have ever done. Everyone who did it thought the same, and none of us could believed we jumped off the worlds highest bungee jump for our first time. After the bungee we went zip lining over some water falls, and compared to the bungee this was quite relaxing but in fact it was still a bit intense. We did that for awhile and then headed back home to PE. The next two weekends I have tests on the 6th and 13th both saturdays so not much will be going on here in South Africa.