Monday, February 15, 2010

Jeffreys Bay

Today we set off for our weekend trip to Jeffrey’s Bay, South Africa. It is only about an hour drive away from Port Elizabeth, where I am living. 11 of us rented a Volkswagen Bus, one that sort of looked like the bus from Scooby doo, or just a hippie bus look alike. Jeffrey’s Bay is arguably the best surf spot in the world, with the longest waves to ride, and they have beautiful beaches so we decided we should go for two nights. The first day we left at around 6 and drove to our hostel, the Jeffrey’s Bay backpackers, we reserved a room for 12 people got there, and went to dinner. The place we went to was almost an all exclusive Afrikaans restaurant and they could only scrounge up 3 English menus. Food was good and we went out that night but it seems as if the whole town becomes dead at night, so we called it an early one.

On Saturday the 13th, we woke up and went to the billabong factory store, and bought some items that were hugely discounted and then we rented some boogey boards, and two surf boards. I started with boogey boarding and did it a few times, and tried the surf board with no avail; however I am sure I will be back there again. After being a beach bum we left to go horseback riding. I got on my horse and her name was Lady Grey, but once I got on her she decided to wander and not listen to me so we ended up going to a random barn and she started eating. After a while she and I were guided back to the line of horses and we set off for our trail. The first 30 minutes we were on trails, and my horse seemed to like to make her own trail, and I had like no control over her; however it wasn’t a big deal. After 30 minutes we got to a sign that said this route for advanced riders only and we were to climb about an 80 foot sand dune, I was a bit freaked out and my horse went for it and I held on for my life, and thought I was going to get bucked off. Then once at the top it felt as if we were in a desert since you could only see sand, it was really cool, although my horse took off and was trotting the whole way and that is very uncomfortable to be doing on a horse. After about 20 minutes of being freaked out to death when going up sand dunes we made it to the ocean and the horses ran in the water while we were on them and we had about an hour and ten minutes of walking/galloping along the ocean. It was a secluded area and just us and the horses it was very beautiful and I will never forget it. That was basically it for the day.

On Sunday the 14th we left the hostel and went to a little lake where we could cliff jump and it had a small waterfall but it wasn’t anything so special. The lake had a rope slide with handles that I attempted to go off but the wires holding it up were so slack that I went to go off and as the wire like gave a bit and went down my shoulder popped out and I immediately fell but it was just as if I were cliff jumping but on the swing I landed kind of hard on my shoulder in the water and it popped back it but still hurt a bit. So next time I will not be trying going down the zip line, as it kind of hurt.

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